so i one what about it so i'm aware that of and well posse whatever don't worry about it so just so you know though i will be any means this year exactly boring slide that so don't worry no unique or enough money nothing and expecting i mean so this so you that's the presentation more of an intervention if you search for intervention on a flicker that is one picture comes out i've no idea why but it's one so it's a it's a dimension because us for about two years i've been doing well i think i wanna and i've been doing what now commonly known as the clock that all i want to which mostly is recap of what happened in clap the land for the past year namely your T I new features you deprivation and a little bit of planning about what's gonna happen in the next year you features i need to okay so during the last year nothing much happened what collateral actually some bug fixes some performance improvements and some experimentally pi for the benefit of can i'm shell mostly but compare connectivity between two thousand eleven thousand twelve when i wrote the apocalypse document and implemented yep also easy years been year we want in terms of the me not much and one of reasons laws i after writing but apocalypse as and implementing then i was kind of burned out and another one i switch on jobs and i start having a lot more than just but the main reason after sitting down for a while in front of my my G H field terminal is that i think that lot or have it is it's pretty much where wanted the i don't think it needs much more work i mean there are going to stop that are completely wrong and we fixed them and painting is affection and all of then basically require an it guy break all so so you don't have to do this during this year what it what it was let's face the master each and just make it the playground for so make it the playground for like branching out to two point zero and one point next becomes stable brown and we can do crazy start breaking pi and no thanks to get the road a lot of two point zero so i guess the better point know the project and more that it's the no can be there shouldn't be a what we when you're at all so before you bring out that pitchforks and porches i'll clarify that statement i don't think there should be a standalone plotter to bring your at all i i i'll try to explain the reasoning behind it the next but i don't know two years but and also reserve the right to change my mind you can dream this talk and i will be not i every have or at any other looking at don't worry this applying the midway point before i know i talk and look at the there is gonna be also just prepared so let's start with a simple admission as that intervention the needs in the mission from the first and that is being on the receiving sorry i my name is manuel that i'm the problem a and i have but i do we need water at this kind of them right now the turn of the notion hi your data developers and we water at your personal because i just i and if you look at the long and probably three or water for of seven okay i said here but i was not meant to be at general to it was not meant to be i can possible to it was meant to be a media centre at i drive full screen application running on the better that or report to be a part for somebody what for i wish not but if you know there are users of products i don't know but not really much on user product in that number i i'll come to the other uses of water in a second so it's really the show and is that no and rate is if you could be and because the show is very far cost and like often lose we da so but everybody's at i've stability there it's not not that i don't and you are all order radii that is market experimental access on the C and C using doctor but there so you say that you lay all the important there to a point three at the stage because the background of the shell or that and so and the stage vice it in a it by you all i seem out of the whole back so that show and i mean information there are which is absolutely solely for whatever they are what we but not there for like to and plus there is actually actually writing up to it popular actually a i you know when you so that's one but hours are from and it's very bad job be but chuckled and not but whole see you replication that they told an and widely known and she's using actually a lot it was really a pity on the screen just ignore okay it's basically impossible a can manage to do legal or from problem just one using properties remote because it's easy shot up make sure on the and that that tells you two things one is the better in each kind of usability i and so you do you should so that you should we get to be it should get so then there's boxes boxers uses gathered today because they need to do animation also but be possibly do that a lot of all the widgets and if you want to combine cutter other and you can you can do it a your financial and this is G case all as much as lot of full G cased on and better with a friend paul and now we year we could get for well over at the bottom not for i don't know that well so we are a show where because you so the real problem then is that you have right told you want to use part of for your break you want to use powder on also you have just pictures and text maybe and maybe we'll that would be all right as it was but the only seven but if you want to do something religion more generic i quit whitens and stuff you know right well i for us much as possible in a lot of for all the gesture stockholder the trap that it's meant i mean and well there are still a lot of stuff missing that i don't want to implement but it's and on X M and wait and then we notice on mac last and i'm replicating G K Y my life so bad i don't want to do okay problem buttons on a any so here comes and okay and then there comes an S and then i see for a remote and you realise that write a book example you really so but we if anybody wants to start a new toolkit based on potter just if you think you can do better than people that for last year my guess i don't i'm just reserved right to point and laugh so there is another thing that is a problem with having water and a the same like a lot of that yes and from in the and then going a in and all its own will stuff but also clutter at the sound management and family and brian will are completely separate there is fire sometimes they're better because i have benefit all your and last year G basically but me means that in action do how to learn from other people but we are standing at also lot makes adjusted what should i use through the use caught are G P A should i use both what will happen to G okay if you think that these questions are not coming my way much attention to the problem cannot are channel or apropos apartment english or might or might we could be basically every and i still get like that there but it was so something well there is be used by composer there is not application and then you if you want right for the twist and just but we all the time and we and we think so but one in order to making it can post can possible and not too applications that used water use that i didn't libraries to work for the I features you may remember and even if that what we don't want to do that actually but you have to like to get on top and that eventually net hello and usually and we are sending messages and so that's really retro and we need to change the bowl and problem so all the funds also so you can social what we are this is for example L's also so i think if you start lamenting the drive like that not outside separate project so it's we we don't even need to call it a lot or and all we can call that i don't know though okay well and well some fine i hope so we shall receive the side maybe as a separate share library so we can a and we don symbols wrong part and or maybe in that it but in case of a library all i see and all know basis and world and they will probably say your okay have a he's a relationship between widgets and reverse that can actually is all from bill even those notes to and we know and do size negotiation and on what the right so well done and we're going the french logically was written in nineteen ninety seven and if our design goal and our a one goal we are gonna work that good job what we can do or not you know of the it's a linguistics so it's all contain inside and the walls marking this is not exactly so all can do but it doesn't think about what but you will see but i mean i think that okay i but i will see that everything you do that and so we actually so knowledge this last fall the impostors and then the children passes you want to one some button because you want to identify be but then you get punched in the face by the a that hold later all information side but so want to but a box well good luck because it works on a i have are michael we don't want to change because wisely right part one but wow no also the layer management is so you side again we know we know that in that objects because java so awesome definitely see and we have to have might be here please of plastic and then choose what not women and we know that that's and her but then if you want to subclass to get rid of the want to find that are so fast balls and implement she stuff so that men precise the first size celebration that from and drawing a line a we are to resize stuff and sorry i it's that might just for a lot of them which i okay so or whatever that actually want she's my last we gyro what do you case which everybody okay so let me to me like and we actually figure in a just we didn't bother me i one i don't and that's why and i hated by everyone that doesn't the actually so so this is all this one that in such a that well and this is a well all i that right on and i know that it's ridiculous because i actually wrote the document to move far away from that very same model to a same role model and completely and it took me six months implement i don't know but it will be six months implement and works so we design we are design sure but so we see i see are the guys that so we need so that you know hopelessly out of them so we're gonna get a couple of constraint another state you don't ever search for them straight liquor without enables i thank you we say so you will get some interesting not say for what style this is so but we a simple constraint you can just a i don't want to write and you really in the back that you don't know what she has the connotation one of issues that the right from a that it than a that was in waiting for when is a lot taking over next round advantage i have a long way from over the fact i have the comments that old mac wise we are now and before that are the end for that rainbow and we still so what is better than any other at all in the and never look back with you if you are for mac and i i i i so usually do you have the one thing that just use it and that's what and had signals to add what does you know sometimes want to get the future but actually maybe not single because i don't want to spend the next three years finding out the for next so i don't know constraint that we should have is no that's right that's they were just a so that and i say that because we have so much stuff well i have a and start that one and two is that it's a small place so it should be a if you it should be known young and you mean something about this i'd be score next what is the ad so the other thing is it just to be so we we the goal using i wrote but we do you bowl and one of that we actually can and when it using we yelled at all and we use it but you also it's what your browser does every single they can render every single page you have or is it and it works for the browser what should work for the crown around the product so the last point is that we should be and and i know people with a lot by an orange that a lot it must not be actually that issue should is through this all it must not i huh well break here you are you can you can basically just punch in the face and we can say burning to the ground i fourteen which we should forget we should definitely but we should we should break i did you can i want because it's we've gone i mean we she break if you are which is not ready for nine years because that but wishing you britain's enough one it and it so also point where nobody switching and white even we make the best pi and the best we can look applications in the world people want so although what i mean by not breaking if i mean it just for this we can particular okay i'll come to that on so well it from the big and all and i think i would work on it or one and design or whatever i think about our guys radio i it's actually pretty decent it provides you with ways to not you hardware not entire reversed it and you start you start laughing that you know right now so this is this the children is so whole because it's pretty not no but that you can sign me the but that shouldn't be case all sort in the list of your website but not and one comment and thank you this well also we should not have i hope level actor respect existence it is like a random acts but the we didn't have a proper wrapping the why a we needed a who container for each in and based on if you that we could just say that are wrong so everything else brought that everything else below so and also one in is so i you can and drawing and basically having seen that show and so i if you say you know when match doing that like six different read cost well and i know that for instance when i have the said that it's not gonna be a problem i don't actually try and work even at all another thing that we have found out for can and i that's an and and that one six seconds each line to do stuff if the to get the way more than percent of the time during the your world for or not that we are about that it's not let's implement everything troubles to solve i a is so maybe we have a way just intercept for all the nodes you know or local all the we draw and we start so that i can still that you case the size and change at that level a or in case the you are going to have on a proper or whatever it's a way to avoid just or i know i reckon i the other one point one point so well also i just said this is not gonna be impostor so you kind of anyway unless you're right part so that com when i sorry also three transformation or a sore point we just for then because well i percent no okay competing remotely second for good and nice so the case we have like only confirmation we should just don't stop on the part that something in the middle all the route besides to translate by on the y-axis what about the then separate and we do advantage that was said stopped you know require right guy will be in your and we probably sure right side that you want there is a very good chance i mean you experiment more about that we can transition is this the composite widget i'm not home do this did this is roughly you are that you don't know that will generate like first and we can do that at least you can take that you can we get and as a whole and shove it inside so we are not feature i saw that right but if we can do it if we can all i break up with her and at the very i just has so so well i guess but that's question from one of the that's right or but i hope for that right so i want to work with differently so value unless it was use up and well i'm sorry so what i don't and i was where i don't have and then the so what i've done is so on the actors that we have in boston that in and of it you or what first thing i did was create and you have a library that is cool we are there inside which and it doesn't much that have the forms that's that's the czech the see that others and that's going also well so that that's one the other thing i was start well on okay but what about a year so and i actually com is this a and that out and that really well so we don't need fancy also at all we just you know but and we created about and i think are but i we G L to look at the scene so that we can write a for more so this but still one work write a one is you know to draw your products and you side but you and actually i well if i don't all about our is that it's not and that is well and you can one and then a that is that really a phase all trunks you can get G broken you can basically you know you can be to just save it or i don't but well this no one show you okay she went there and or something and then and and that happens and suddenly in terminally we can create a stable see on the and on the and first when we have all on though go from you hundred and two for the and then we can but well i don't as any i that is the last that i can or if we have make it and we should probably work but i that something and i'm so sure but actually work on and the other G T K O K and added you with that okay and we are sitting between you can tell render each non we won no or inside a company come to be used a the L and then and sure that looks and the embedded inside and i'm sure that on try and they compose side so so all that basically well so that this idea and i for one of them out so question so if you know your because we don't hide or we have time and your shot for you have the so okay i have a scrolling so i know is that that we already have a lot or that i know exactly how expected it broke about you were but i know okay so i don't basically the last that you decompose five i work mostly just stuff well i don't know this i know that but there's just way to find of all figuring out the clattering we are like get this we take stuff that right it work pretty well yes the way you it is okay well well i think it's a thing is i be to make sure flattery that i doing well much problems coming out well for right but generally and i we find that plan and all that well i thought about that well it i that like to i didn't and if we don on we would like just a couple of questions they say i have my own scrolling and like all the problem to get everything if i have my own scrolling which and i call the drop function to get everything drawn into my scroll area that i'm gonna do some transform on it's a cairo service but now all of these widgets that are inside the are know using screen it's we can know we can make that in for like you say i want all i might be on a so i will i will i promise you a you know so then all of the children of that which it would still if you drop me when we don't do that for are on E G okay with break but but the problem is that you might have a which is the that is you know inside the container that somebody's made in the containers assuming that the children or maybe dry minutes or but you might even have a container that somebody subclasses and by know something that or applications and to nontrivial thing okay i there so let's see how this would work for the rendering side but keeping com that it's on the input side which is highly dependent on the T window three that every word where we i mean how would be do i can see how we can position the whole rendering stacked using geo it didn't and we could be allocating of screens for what we did it will be nice points but the input yes we you hundred percent dependent on the educate window direct which is clean i mean that doesn't do well scaling rotation right now where they live a lot your from think we we are right now right for me i mean it i mean everyone just to be windowless that would but if you see how you do or what we know we just and it i get are from a five hundred and what about but she can actually nothing that a little bit not a remote if you if you look really closely and you read between the lines i don't know so but i'm also and all seriously i don't want some of the color title if you to level and i think have done this for so you wouldn't see dial and your think that we read on program are you that much it's just for right and also time if you're not have formed you will be then but it i'm just with it or no to the fear a friend really on the part which is that and then we have a sure five okay use vertex shader okay that more of them all the or so or more about i i honestly one time complexity and the pen and one G L but we don are all like for probably really glad that lots of it and it's really for you want write a very complex really so we see your to you need all three changes so we don't we don't understand and also we don't i mean i don't recall that because we allow you are right our me i know about this is all about just a your for all and down and you know anything about i work and so well i don't want for one would be possible to completely hide it you'll stuff and usually so could have non G implementation yet used like G D X rated rest reply people should whatever you know i think so too but i know you could go on so i guys sorry that question there so it because with we can integrate maybe this isn't very feasible will because we can integrate that with can sing graph into the G to casing or that and i think that would be very you have your the what i'm not i mean it's gonna we already and yes but we can see and use more what why well if you're using you can create on well we can make very don't yell on that and then assume that you know complex is that you can use for stuff so you see you know a thing about that we are already and just without touching the T G seen but but but we and then don't wanna go for down but that someone a bunch of links of the future one or that no but what my work zero which i guess ellen but but i